Saturday, March 17, 2012

Definisi of Computer Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Distinguish And Technique of Infection Infection

Definition Meaning / Congeniality of Computer Virus
 Computer Virus is an computer program which duplication or duplicate the x'self by inserting kopian or x'self copy into storage media / document and also into network on the quiet without the knowledge the computer consumer. Effect from computer virus very immeasurable start from only emerge the bizzare messages till destroy the computer and also vanish the our document or file 2. Definition Meaning / Congeniality of Variant of Virus Worm, Trojan And Spyware a. Worm
 Worm is security hole or interpose the weakness of at conducive us computer of our computer is virus infection without having to execute a[n file which is generally became of [by] the network b. Trojan
 Trojan is a conducive program of our computer is controlled by others of through/ passing network or internet c. Spyware
 Spyware is application leaking data of information of habit or consumer behavior in using computer to outside party without we realize. Is usually used by advertiser party
 If we see the awkwardness of at storage media of like bizzare so called file is which we have never make or file of non application type / application of but confessing as application hence we don't click, we open or we run the to computer virus is not catching to computer which we use the
 Marking / Our Computer marking Is incured / infection of Computer Virus - Computer walk is tardy the than normal - Often go out the message eror or bizzare - Appearance change of at computer - Storage media of like sketch, flashdisk, direct to etcetera copy the bizzare file without we copy when we interfac to the computer - Computer like to restart by xself or crash of when medium walk - Like to emerge the bizzare article or message - computer Hang or desist our merespon - Harddisk cannot be accessed - Printer And peripheral of is other;dissimilar useless


1 comment:

  1. There are so many differences between virus, spyware, malware and trojan. Their behavior and functionality is different. But the theme is same. Destruction. So we need to secure our PC with good trojan virus removal tools.
